Thursday, September 4, 2008


and move to another level of health :
  1. Longer time to fulfill the God-given vision for your life.
  2. More time to make greater positive impact on earth.
  3. Increase in energy.
  4. Sharper & quicker mind.
  5. Reduction or elimination of numerous chronic diseases.
  6. Reduction or elimination of mucus buildup in nose and body.
  7. Larger and ever-growing lung capcity.
  8. Large reduction of money spent on medicine and medical bills.
  9. Clearer, softer skin.
  10. No or less constipation.

So let us rise up to the business of the hour - the practice of a longevity lifestyle.

We are about to start our series on industrial sugar (IS). You may think you know about it, but did you know. . . . . . .

Ok. Let me wait for the next post.


Industrial Sugar Exposé Postponed!

until further notice to focus on some more pressing information for now.

BUT, at least let me drop you with this link with you:
146 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health

Kudos to Nancy Appleton, who dilligently compiled the ever-growing list. She is a well-known and highly respected health advocate.

Let us proceded to the next exciting longevity topic...

9 Crucial Keys to a Regenerative Lifestlye

What is a Regenerative Lifestyle?

A Life of Regeneration =

  • 1. Practicing prevention, not cure: Don't put things in your body that are toxic. They are more than likely to accumulate in your body and wreck havoc- from constipation to regenerative diseases.

  • 2. Eating more foods that naturally cleanse and rebuild the body: I am speaking of RAW, organic fruits and vegetables. They should make up a higher percentage of your food intake.

  • 3. Drinking plenty of clean water throughout the day (some say at least 8- 8 oz glasses per day). (Remember to drink water a minimum of 30 minutes BEFORE you eat and at least two hours after consuming a meal for better digestion).

  • 4. Cooking your own meals rather than eating out. Avoid fried, microwaved and smoked foods, though.
  • 5. Eating organic foods. Eat cleaner food for a cleaner body.
  • 6. Eliminating the eating of factory food or drink, i.e., anything called food or drink that is processed, refined, made in a processing plant or factory, adulterated, and/or packaged. This includes fast food. See this quote- "If man made it, don't eat it."

  • 7. Staying clear of industrial sugar, iodated salt, MSG and other chemical additives, preservatives, flavourings and colourings.

  • 8. Staying clear of artificial sugars, such as Splenda, Aspertame, Nutrasweet, Candrell, etc. These have dangerous effects, particularyly on your brain and reproductve systems.

  • 9. Decreasing and eliminating animal and animal product intake - i.e., animal muscle, animal skin, dairy, eggs, etc.